TOTAL RECALL Summary - Arnold Schwarzenegger


In this book writer shares his own story about how he struggled, his discipline about his passion,  he gives great confidence that we can achieve anything if we have a proper plan with the discipline even we do not have any economic support.

Total Recall, Total Recall Book Summary, Total Recall Book of Arnold Schwarzenegger, BOOK SUMMARY

In short, I will explain a small story about a writer, Arnold Schwarzenegger born on 30 July 1947 in a little Austrian village. As his father a police officer he grew up in a disciplined way. At the time of his teens, he had dreams like living in America, to win a bodybuilder champion and a movie star. 

At the age of 21, he lives in Los Angels and is crowned for Mr.universe.

Within 5 year's he learned English and become the greatest bodybuilder.

Within 10 years he got his degree and become a millionaire from his business enterprise in real estate, landscaping, and bodybuilding. He leads also the winner of the Golden Globe Award for his debut as a dramatic actor in stay hungry.

Within 25 years he became the world's biggest movie star, the husband of Maria Shriver, and an emerging Republican leader who was part of the Kennedy family.

In 35 years after coming to America once he is known as a fellow bodybuilder as an Austrian Oak elected as Governor of California. he did his work very effectively and very disciplined way.

While reading this there is a question in your mind that how he could be successful in multiple fields? How is this possible? 
Don't be forced on your mind- u can also achieve success in multiple fields when u follow some tips or may be said that some good habits which help u to achieve your dream.
So, let see the habits which our writer followed and now he is one of the world successful people. 

These are 7 topics from this book that play an imp role in our success journey the topics are:-

1. Discipline
2. Always add improvement 
3. plan ur future
4. Role model
5. Don't over analyze
6.learn from the past( whether it is good or bad).
7. It is tough to live a normal because it contains tough competition.

Let get deep into it;

1. Discipline:- 

Arnold said that if u want to achieve anything in your life, first u should be in discipline. 
For Eg if you have a goal to become a flat stomach u have to do exercise daily, if u miss one day then you have to do it from starting i.e for the next 30 days. anyhow you have to complete ur task this keeps u on track.

2. Always add improvement:- 

Notice ur mistakes or weaknesses and try to learn from your mistakes and try to convert your weakness into a strength that will help on growing.

Eg. In the gym Arnold always exposes his claves because they are thin as compare to his body and he doesn't show his body which is strong enough. So people around him see his claves which are weak so, he does more practice so that he can make his claves as strong as enough.

3.Plan your future:-

Always write down ur plan and visualize it every day which gives u the motivation to focus on your goals and help to enhance your willpower.
No person in the world directly succeeds without visualizing .he planned that's why he is in the position.

4.Role model:-  

It is good to have a role model who is already successful or familiar with your goals. 
What is the importance to have a role model?
It helps to reach your goal expressly, it saves ur time, it gives an idea about how to take steps towards your goal, also it motivates you to act on role models ( how u can break ur role model record).

5. Don't overanalyze:- 

As we learn in the earlier Good Feelings book which also explains that if u overanalyze any situation u kill yourselves.
Overthink is a kind of fear which keeps your step always backward, and u can't take a single step. So, without any fear go ahead results are good or bad that does not matter. if u fail or succeed but you will learn from both situations.

6. Learn from the past( whether it is good or bad).

It is always said that " how much your past is worst that much u will, don't get upset about ur past. It always teaches u, makes u a great person...
If u take any of the outstanding personal success stories, u will come to know that he also has the worst past. because the worst past adds more enthusiasm to become a success in your goal.

7. It is tough to live a normal because it contains harsh competition:-

Why In this book it is added to live a normal life is tough than something to achieve a great life. the statement is true because at one time only10%people get a degree, but now about 80% of the population get a degree, all of them send their resume as a fresher their reduction in job and then about 50% they adjust themselves in that job which they don't like. try something different may it can change your whole life.

"If you want to a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream".
"Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Work like Hell and Advertise." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

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