One Minute Secret To Win Anything


A smart young man has decided that he will become a good manager, No matter what happens because he had understood, in order to live happily and to move ahead in life there is a need for leadership and management skills.

Because if we want to achieve big, or want to do something big in our life, then we will need the help of others.

The One Minute Goals, One Minute Management Techniques, One Minute Manager, One Minute Manager Key Points

If we stay behind in this skill, then there will be less chances of us becoming a big or achieving something huge in life.

Now because of all these reasons, he starts searching for a Perfect Manager, who can help him to understand and learn these Crucial Skills and also can work for such great manager and later one day can become like him.

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So for this, he started going from one company to another. He literally went from big to almost every small companies and almost every manager started interviewing them.

He went to different cities and also went different Countries, in search of managers. But, unfortunately, he couldn’t find any manager.

Who is effective and perfect as per him?

Almost every Manager that young man meet and took the interview was of two types;

1] Either they were Autocratic Manager- Meaning: Manager whose Ultimate aim was to generate profit for the company. They were great and an expert, but Employees didn’t like this kind of Manager.

Or the Remaining Managers were like 

2] Democratic Manager - Meaning – Managers who give first priority to the employees, and later think about the company.

These kinds of managers are supportive and very much liked by the employees.

Now both kinds of Managers are OK, but there are huge problems in them.

For example, Autocratic Managers always think about Company’s Profit, because of this aim, they never think about the company employees and never make their company’s employees happy.

Whereas on the other side, Democratic Manager always give First Priority of company employees and to their team members, because of which they fail to achieve the desired result and profit for the company.

These both were the major issues, which were bothering that young man. He wasn’t getting any Effective Manager, who was perfect in both aspects.

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Few Manager which he found was better than the others was not ready to give an interview.

So finally, after so much disappointment, he returns to his home.

 After returning home, he started thinking maybe he will not be able to find any effective manager who can help him to earn such important skills, but fortunately or ironically, he came to know about a manager near his home town.

Who was appreciated and liked by many, almost every person wants to work with that manager. Not only this, but he was a manager who was generating profit for his company as well.

At first, when this man heard all these things about that manager, he thought it was all lie, but still, he decided to meet him, and when he called that manager to take his appointment, he easily got it.

Then again that young man started thinking if he would be so perfect then he wouldn’t have time to meet me, but since he was nearby. He went to meet him.

Now when that young man met that manager, he asked his first question, which he asked almost every manager, and the question was.

What do you think about, what kind of manager you are?

How will you describe yourself?

For this question, that manager replied “ I am a One Minute Manager.”

Listening to this that young man got surprised. Because earlier every manager has given him the answer which was somewhat related to both the aspect either Autocratic or Democratic.

But this manager was quite different, so with a surprised expression, he asked that manager; “Sorry, I didn’t get you, what do you mean by One Minute Manager.”

While the manager laughingly replied, “ I say this to myself because I take very little time to get more results from others.”

Listening to him, that young man couldn’t believe, by his expression even the manager understood that he is not believing his ears.

So managers asked that young man, “ If he wants to know more about him and how good a manager he is, can talk to his team members.”

That Manager hand over the list to that man, and says in this list there are few names, to whom you can talk.

That man takes the list under which 6 names were written, so that young man decides that he will talk to at least 3 people after deciding he goes from there.

First, he goes and meets Mr. Trenell, after talking to him, he realizes that the yes One Minute Manager concept actually exists.

But he has to follow the One Minute Manager Secrets if he wants to become an Effective Manager.

So Mr. Trenell explains to him about the first One Minute Secret amongst the 3, this is known as One Minute Goal setting,

To apply this Secret, he has to do some following things,

First, He has to have a clear understanding of every Goal of a company and of Employees.

Because most of the time what happens is, Company goals differ from Employees' Goals, and because of which nothing happens properly.

Hence Everyone should Agree on one common goal, and the second thing everyone should know how they should work, How they should behave, and how their work should be done.

And the Third everyone should write down their Goals in one page But under 250 words.

4th Thing is to always Read this Goal which will not take more than A MINUTE

5th Thing is after removing a minute from work, Need to see Whether we are working on our goals properly or not, These are the one minute goal setting point which you need to follow

That young man finds this thing very simple and Effective, so with excitement, he asked Trenell, This was the first secret what about the other two?

So Trenell with a smile look at his watch and ask him to meet Levy, in order to learn about the other secret.

And however you wanted to meet 3 people right, so why don’t you meet him and ask him about it,

Listening to this, that young man smiles, and with all Excitement and energy go to Levy’s office to meet him.

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After Meeting Levy That Young man understand that yes actually, the Minute concept is there, And even Levy very happily follows it,

He told Levy that he is aware of one-minute goal setting, but doesn’t know the second secret, so Levy starts Explaining him,

The second secret is ONE MINUTE PRAISING, And in order to apply it levy ask the young man to do the following things,

First, tell your team Member that you will them A Genuine Feedback for their work,

The second thing, Immediately praise someone For his Good work, Because the problem is, people Easily Criticise for someone’s wrong, But do not praise Immediately for a good thing, By which people don’t work nicely and they don’t feel like working as well, so always praise immediately.

Third Be specific, and tell them what work they had done nicely.

4th Tell them how good you felt, seeing them work so nicely and properly and how important that thing was,

5th Be silent for some time so that even they can feel your feeling.

6th Encourage Them to do that work more, After Explaining all this, levy say this was the second Effective secret to become a good effective manager,

After listening to all this young man asked Levy about the third one with full Excitement

At that Time Levy Smiled and said the third secret will be Explained to you by Miss Brown, And I know you haven’t met her yet.

And I know you haven’t met her yet, Again young man smiles and say thank you to levy and goes to MISS BROWN OFFICE TO MEET HER,

Miss Brown was a 50-year-old well-dressed woman, who them starts Explaining the 3rd secret points, to that young man;

The third Secret was known as one-minute Reprimands, Reprimand is known as to make someone realize their mistake, to get angry, or to disapprove something.

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And this LAST Secret has to be followed in two parts, At 1st part, immediately reprimand someone for their mistake, Don’t Ignore someone’s mistake from starting and remove all anger together one day.

The second thing to do under part 1 is to let them know what mistakes they have done.

3rd to make them understand how you felt because of their mistake,

4th to be silent for some time, so that they can understand your feeling that how you felt, so that can realize, this was first part now the second part first point is:

Shake a hand, or with any gesture show them that yes you are on their side,

2nd point under part 2 is to make them understand that how much valuable they are to you and how much you value they are to you and how much you value them,

3rd point to Reaffirm to them that you think good and best about them and the only thing you think good and best about them and the only thing you didn’t like was their particular them and the only thing you didn’t like was their particular performance.

And 4th after Reprimand gets over, understand that yes it is over do not bring that same topic again

After Explaining all this Miss Brown says to a young man that these were the things which are needed and you must follow to become an Effective manager.

Learning all these important useful things, things, that young man felt very good happy and amazing, he found all these things very simple and effective,

So he wrote everything in his book and started following it and finally, after a few years even he becomes a very effective manager by following these principles, A manager who by taking less time bring huge or more results. And which was liked appreciates.

Similarly, even if you want to become an Effective leader or a manager then does use and follow these principles.

Now an Important announcement, First thing I am going to do Facebook Live this month where you can ask me any question, Basically, it would be a QNA Kind of video.

And when Exactly it will happen about date and time I will inform that on my Facebook page so stay connected, and if you haven’t liked my FB Page, so don’t forget to like it, I have shared its link the below description and I upload some of the useful short special blogs which I don’t upload on Youtube.

And the second announcement, very soon I am going to start a new channel, which will be related to what, that information too I will give on Facebook live and on the Facebook page so stay connected, so be ready for that too,

Because even that channel will be very useful and knowledgeable for you:) Trust me:) so do check out that channel

Now let's again talk about the video, the knowledge which I have shared today is from the Book ONE MINUTE MANAGER BY Ph.D. KENNETH BLANCHARD AND Ph.D. SPENCER JOHNSON.

If you have an interest in leadership quality or in management then you  must read this book if you want to buy this like there, this book contains very useful knowledge which will help for sure:)

"Life cannot be changed in a minute but a decision made in a minute can change everything."

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