Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books - Daily or Regularly Only Some People Knows This?

Benefits of Reading Daily

     Benefits of Reading Books or we can say the Importance of Reading Books is to develop our thought process for any conceptual work.

     In the world of Video Games, Youtube, and Netflix, people are avoiding the reading of books. Today, I am going to share with you a "Benefits of Reading Book Daily" or you can say Reading Regularly. Everyone should have a habit of reading every day at least 1 hour per day.

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
Benefits of Reading Books Daily

     So considering the amount of Entertainment that’s readily available reading books like an old times activity better suited for our parents and Grandparents is breaking day-by-day, due to advanced technology.

But we should know what are the benefits of reading for our child making a reading habit is became quite difficult today.

So, I have written this blog post for you to remind how reading habit makes our child sharper. Why successful people have a habit of reading?

      Where the only thing you read is the label on your shampoo bottle because you forget to take your phone to the bathroom reading is slowly becoming a dying habit and it’s not because people don’t like to read it’s because there are faster alternatives like Facebook Status, Tweets and Instagram Captions that keep us busy. After that, we waste our time reading social media posts and Memes.

     Be further along you must have a list of the books that you wanna read.

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     Yes most people have a list that they want to read but it’s less and less likely to follow through with it because of  the way that they’re currently enjoying their free time by using their phones so don’t get me wrong reading gets addictive too but you first have to start if someone asks you what’s the last book you read the answer to this question is almost always a fiction title but if I continue and ask the person anything in the non-fiction area.

     They almost always remember a more recent title they didn’t consider before for most of us reading is almost equal to fiction this maybe because of the very first books we read as children or maybe we enjoy fiction the most, his doesn’t mean non-fiction should be ignored both genres have a huge amount of information and in both categories, you can find books that will polish your brain and widen your horizon but let’s talk about why you need to read fiction.

     Fiction is food for the soul the author is allowed to create new worlds that we can explore and enjoy on our own free well, when you read a story you like it’s really easy to leave the real world behind and become absorbed by the action the task is more challenging, watching a movie or playing a game because you’re using the world’s most powerful graphics processor your imagination have you ever felt like time stands still when you’ve experienced the wonderful attraction of a great story.

     Now I want to talk about why you need to read non-fiction and most of the books I read are actually non-fiction. 

     Non-fiction is also food for the brain you see the main purpose of a book is to challenge the brain and bewitch the soul in such a manner that you become a better person when you finish the reading book.

     Non-fiction might be a bit less charming than reading fiction but it’s definitely, a path to self-improvement when you read a self-help guide or three manual you learn new things and become empowered.

     By the knowledge that you have acquired so the very next time you’re in a non-fiction section of a library pick a book you find interesting, I promise you, you’ll enjoy reading it even if it’s about the real world for me. 

Also Read: A Story of A Rich Man And His Four Wives In One Life.

     I get more benefit out of reading non-fiction because I know there are practical applications I can actually use the information that I’m learning so now I want to give you “Top  10 Reason Why You Need To Read” If you’re still wondering why you need to read take a look at the benefits of reading books. I’ve only listed the Top 10 but I assure you there’s a lot more than you actually give it credit. 

     So, let’s start the benefits of reading.....

1]  Food For The Brain

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
Feeding your Brain while reading the books.

     When you dive into a story the world around you disappears and you’re completely immersed in the world created by the book. I hope. I genuinely hope that you felt this before there are very little tools that can actually create this experience with or without being illegal and the brain works hard to create emotions feelings and even engage the senses when you’re reading, studies show that reading has a wonderful gift of changing your brain structure making you more empathetic and improving cognitive processes.

     Now it is actually proven that by reading books that vividly describe a landscape or maybe an object we automatically create a mental Picture that follows that descriptions, even more, reading about our favorite characters experiences is the closest you can get to actually living them yourself this is why reading makes you smarter because it is a powerful weapon for the brain.

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2] Improved Vocabulary

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books

     Don’t need to become the best communicator there ever was just by reading however books expand your vocabulary and you learn different “Nuances of Word” that can help you later express your ideas and concepts and sentences. 

     The more you read your vocabulary level will be higher in your speech will be much more polished and seem intelligent.

3] You’ll Be More Attractive 

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
Look More Attractive

     The point above reading also widens your knowledge so your brain can create a more elaborate expression to show your feelings and your opinions on the subject. 

     I think we can safely say that reading empowers people to participate in interesting conversations and actually a sustained an argument by giving intriguing reasons in this case non-fiction reading might be more important because it gives you the chance to study topics that might actually show up in regular chat things like politics, modern news, entertainment, history and even technology is common in our day and age so it’s important to know bout them and have an educated stance on them.

4] Meeting Interesting People

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
You will become more interesting

     Now do you usually, have to leave or maybe stay quiet whenever the topic of a conversation gets deeper well reading can help here as well when you are capable to add to a conversation you improve upon it offering your own opinions on the matter maybe even statistics people you used to admire from a distance will even want to know the best way to change circles is to document yourself on different subjects and participate in actual conversations this way you’ll earn the respect and admiration of interesting people and you also have a chance to learn something new from them as well it’s kind of like a mini mastermind. 

5] Become Who You Should Be

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
You can achieve anything

     It’s a little bit philosophical but hears me out books open a new world for us and allow even the poorest of people to live and enjoy experiences that they only dream about you can visit Ancient Egypt or travel to the future you can enjoy different dimensions or maybe even improve your skills anything is possible when you open your mind and we grow and develop by experiencing new things which are why when you read you’re actually building yourself you take the things you like and assimilate them becoming a better person being who you should be and basically creating your own personality within books you can change your beliefs delete your beliefs and create new better beliefs based on information that you’re presented you may never get to travel to the ends of the earth in real-life but with a good book you can score the seas.

6] It’s Fun & Relaxing if Your Child Makes a Habit

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
You will enjoy while reading

     It’s fun and can be relaxing so you think watching TV is fun try actually reading a book that you like the diversity of genres and plethora of authors from all over the world create a limitless source of fun that you can access whenever you want even more, you’re not fed the images and sound you actually experience the images and sounds and you control them just as you want books are more detailed then movies, because the limit is your imagination right and they create an entirely different entertainment experience that is rewarding and fulfilling and helps you grow.

7] Exercise for the Memory

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
Exercise for the brain

     Reading can de an exercise for your memory so regardless of the fact that you read for fun or that you like fiction over nonfiction reading has a wonderful gift of giving your memory a workout when you follow your favorite character through the story or simply read about an event or a historical time you’ll end up by memorizing some very interesting details now might not stick forever but for the moment you’re exercising the memory area of the brain and you keep it active this way when you really need to memorize something it’ll be easier and things will happen faster there will be more things that you can connect what you’re supposed to memorize too.

     Actually it’s something that you’ve learned in the past there’s actually a scientific explanation to the idea of a memory workout it seems that the area of the brain where we store memories is not limited and it won’t be stretched and worn out if we soar too many things in there but the more that you add the area that creates new synapses and the old ones will become more powerful. Thus improving your memory process think of it like a spiderweb each new string makes the spiderweb even stronger.

8] It Opens Your Mind When you Read Daily

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
Improves your Thinking Power

     So as a reader you get in touch with different people, different opinions, different feelings with completely opposing personalities and from extremely different cultures or periods of time.

     This makes you a better judge of character and improves your tolerance towards things that are maybe different or unusual or novel wherever you live. Usually, if someone reads a whole bunch they might not be snappy in the judgment of others because they learn about the different feelings and emotions that someone might have all of this opens you up to the world and shows it’s okay to be different making you more accepting of others.

9] Improves Focus

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
You will increase your focus level

     In today’s date, the people’s five minutes are divided between maybe watching TV, checking their phone rousing through Instagram all of these at the least so you can see why our focus is totally just all over the place but when you read if the book is captivating enough you completely forget about the surrounding world.

     It’s like you dive into a new dimension or a whole another world and leave your body behind, in reality, this is what being 100% focused on one thing feels like and in fact, if you can achieve this kind of focus in your work life it’s called flow.

10] Improves the World by Reading Regularly

Top 10 Benefits of Reading Books
You will see the world in a different view

     If you need a powerful reason to why you should read this ought to be it the world doesn’t need more Netflix and chill it is in dire need of educated open-minded people who are aware of the problems around the world and have the necessary knowledge and inspiration to actually make things happen to keep in mind most successful people read at least one book per week and even top of the world’s CEO.


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